Clinique Filippi

How is your discharge from the clinic?

Your discharge date is set by the clinic's practitioner. If you wish to leave the clinic without the doctor's permission or against the doctor's advice, you will be asked to sign a discharge form releasing the clinic from any liability and stating that you have been informed of the risks involved.

Exit procedures

Before you leave, your doctor will review the situation with you and draw up the necessary discharge documents. These must be collected directly from the nurses on the ward before you leave the clinic. They include :

  • The prescription for your treatment and care (and any letters) ;
  • An appointment for a check-up
  • If necessary, a sick leave;
  • A voucher for transport in a specialised vehicle under certain conditions.

You will be asked to go through the office to:

  • Deal with the administrative formalities for leaving the hospital
  • Pay your supplements: lump sum, telephone calls, private room, co-payment, etc;
  • Pay the full cost if you have not provided the documents requested on admission.

Medical prescription for transport

Depending on your state of health and your degree of physical or mental autonomy, the doctor will prescribe the most suitable means of transport for you. Depending on your situation :

  • Your own vehicle or public transport (bus, train, boat, plane, etc.) if you can get around on your own and do not need any special assistance
  • A registered taxi or light medical vehicle if you need to be seated and/or accompanied by someone to help you with formalities, getting around, etc.
  • An ambulance if you need to be lying down or in a semi-seated position and/or under constant supervision.

You are free to choose the transport company that suits you best.

Please note: The Clinique Filippi is served by public transport: bus line 3 runs between the Palais de Justice and the Cardo terraces (Benoîte Danesi stop).


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Clinique Filippi

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Clinique Filippi

22 Boulevard Benoite Danesi
20200 Bastia

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